Livedoid skin reaction and mRNA Covid-19 vaccine: correspondence
Dear Editor,
we would like to share ideas on the publication “Livedoid skin reaction to 2nd dose of mRNA Covid-19 vaccine 1.” Girolami et al. observed that no cases of a livedoid skin reaction connected with the Covid-19 vaccine had been documented, and this case demonstrates that a huge livedoid reaction can be another type of skin reaction to the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine 1. Despite its benefits, the Covid-19 vaccine may be dangerous, which concerns us all. Because there is minimal information on the health and immunological status of vaccine recipients prior to inoculation, determining the precise etiology of a clinical problem may be difficult. A clinical comorbidity could be the source of the problem detected by the Covid-19 vaccine 2. For example, it is easy to misinterpret a clinical condition caused by infection in a vaccine recipient 2. It is now too early to identify any potential detrimental effects of the Covid-19 vaccination because there is no comprehensive, accurate record of a person’s health or immunological condition prior to receiving the immunization. Finally, it should be mentioned that the livedoid skin reaction may be observed in Covid-19 3. Asymptomatic Covid-19 is not uncommon and can occur at any moment, including during vaccination or after vaccination 4. As a result, this potential clinical entity must also be ruled out.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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© Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia Diagnostica, Divisione Italiana della International Academy of Pathology , 2023
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