Published: 2024-04-30

Systemic vasculitis involving the kidney: the nephropathologist point of view

Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology, IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo dei Tintori, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology, IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo dei Tintori, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Department of Medical Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Pathology Unit, Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino University Hospital, Turin, Italy; *These authors contributed equally
Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology University of Milano-Bicocca IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo dei Tintori; *These authors contributed equally
systemic vasculitis renal biopsy ANCA IgA vasculitis cryoglobulinemia


Kidneys are often targets of systemic vasculitis (SVs), being affected in many different forms and representing a possible sentinel of an underlying multi-organ condition. Renal biopsy still remains the gold standard for the identification, characterization and classification of these diseases, solving complex differential diagnosis thanks to the combined application of light microscopy (LM), immunofluorescence (IF) and electron microscopy (EM). Due to the progressively increasing complexity of renal vasculitis classification systems (e.g. pauci-immune vs immune complex related forms), a clinico-pathological approach is mandatory and adequate technical and interpretative expertise in nephropathology is required to ensure the best standard of care for our patients. In this complex background, the present review aims at summarising the current knowledge and challenges in the world of renal vasculitis, unveiling the potential role of the introduction of digital pathology in this setting, from the creation of hub-spoke networks to the future application of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to aid in the diagnostic and scoring/classification process.



Systemic vasculitis (SVs) is a rare autoimmune disease affecting vessels (< 100/million people), and are characterized by an overall dismal prognosis if untreated (one-year mortality rate > 80%) 1. Timely diagnosis is crucial, although their infrequent occurrence and heterogeneity are sources of diagnostic delay. This reflects the variability of underlying pathogenesis (primary vs secondary, mainly drug-related) 2, clinical manifestations, histological aspects 3 (Tab. I), organs and size of vessels involved, with frequent overlapping clinico-pathological features among different forms. To partly overcome this complexity, efforts have been made to simplify the nosology of SVs through the definition of a vessel-size-based classification approach (2012 International Chapel Hill Consensus Conference, CHCC 4, with the 2018 update) 5, dividing these entities in large (LVV), medium (MVV) and small vessels vasculitis (SVV, Tab. II). In this complex landscape, kidneys often represent the target and sentinel of an underlying SV, due to its high vascularity composed of different size arteries and an intricate capillary tangle represented by the glomeruli. Although clinical and serological features may help in orienting toward suspect renal vasculitis, morphological characterization of kidney damage still represents the gold standard for diagnosis, thanks to the complementary employment of light microscopy (LM), immunofluorescence (IF) and electron microscopy (EM) on renal biopsy. This combined clinical-pathological approach allows the sub-classification of renal vasculitis (mainly glomerulonephritis in SVVs) into antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated vasculitis (AAV) and immune complex vasculitis (ICV), with necrotizing medium artery vasculitis in MVV (e.g. polyarteritis nodosa) or secondary ischemic changes in renal artery vasculitis in LVV being much less frequent 6.

In this review, the histological features of the different renal vasculitis are discussed, detailing the methodological diagnostic approach with appropriate clinico-pathological correlations, and reporting the possible differential diagnosis of these challenging entities. Finally, the impact of digital pathology implementation with the creation of ultra-specialized hub and spoke networks and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to assist in the classification of these forms are discussed as future perspectives.

Diagnostic approach and pathology of renal vasculitis

The protean manifestations of renal vasculitis are strictly related to the underlying pathogenesis. Based on the patterns of injury (Tab. III), a schematic classification of renal vasculitis can include pauci-immune (generally ANCA-associated), immunoglobulin-mediated/anti-GBM, immune complex-associated, and medium vessel arteritis forms (Fig. 1). Different pathology characteristics based on LM, IF and EM findings can significantly help in differentiating these forms, as further discussed herein (Fig. 2).


ANCA targets specific proteins within the cytoplasmic granules of neutrophils and monocytes 7, with two different forms recognized based on the serum immunofluorescence pattern, defined as cytoplasmic (cANCA) and perinuclear (pANCA). The former generally consists of anti-proteinase-3 (PR3) antibodies, a 29-kDa neutral serine proteinase found in neutrophil azurophilic granules 8, the second underlying anti-myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibodies directed against elastase, cathepsin G, lactoferrin, lysozyme, and bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein 9, with clinical and histological differences described depending on the underlying autoantibody (Tab. IV). Although the reasons for the development of these autoantibodies remain largely unclear, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) or interleukin 1 (IL-1) mediated priming allows the interaction of ANCA with their targets in neutrophils and monocytes, resulting in degranulation, production of reactive oxygen species, and release of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 and IL-8 with potential tissue damage 10. Based on clinical, laboratory, and histological features, different clinical presentations of AAV are recognized: granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA)11, microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) 12, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) 13 and renal limited vasculitis 14. Patients with PR3-ANCA are more frequently male and younger 15. They also tend to have a lower risk of renal disease, with more active but less chronic renal lesions, to have ear, nose, throat or ocular involvement more frequently than MPO-ANCA patients. Moreover, PR3-ANCA is associated with a higher relapse risk, a higher rate of complete remission at 6 months if treated with rituximab, and better renal and global survival 16-17.

Kidney disease is prevalent in AAV and is the most significant predictor of mortality. The typical renal presentation is called rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN), characterized by a sudden decline in kidney function, subnephrotic range proteinuria, microscopic hematuria, and hypertension over days to a few months. Its combination with pulmonary haemorrhage configures the pulmorenal syndrome, with high mortality if not promptly treated 18. Individuals with glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) below 50 mL/min have a 50% chance of death or kidney failure within 5 years 19. For these reasons, the Canadian Vasculitis Research Network (CanVasc) 20 and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR/ERA-EDTA) 21 recommendations for the management of AAV recommend renal biopsy at diagnosis and at relapse, when possible, representing the gold standard for the diagnosis of renal AAV 22. Kidney biopsy typically reveals a pauci-immune focal necrotizing crescentic GN without significant immune complex deposition on immunofluorescence or electron microscopy. On light microscopy, active AAV typically presents extracapillary hypercellularity configuring cellular or fibrocellular crescents eventually associated with GBM and Bowman capsule rupture and fibrinoid necrosis (Fig. 3) 23. Later in the disease, glomerular chronicity can manifest as segmental sclerosis with broad base adhesion to the Bowman capsule and the formation of fibrous crescents, finally leading to global sclerosis in the “fragmented’ pattern. Usually, AAV does not show significant endocapillary or mesangial hypercellularity, but frequent interstitial inflammation is noted, with mixed lymphocyte and plasma cell rich infiltrates with occasional polymorphonuclear cells (especially eosinophils in EGPA forms) 24 and aggregates of epithelioid hystiocytes in the form of small non-necrotizing granulomas, often associated with the disruption of Bowman capsule. Finally, transmural necrotizing arteritis, eventually associated with peri-arterial granulomas, can be seen in a minority of cases 25. Although the necrotizing crescentic GN is typically pauci-immune in up to 43-57% cases, traces of IgG or C3 may be detected by immunofluorescence within mesangial spaces and/or along the glomerular capillary walls 26, sometimes corresponding to small and isolated electron dense deposits at electron microscopy in the same regions 27. As reported by a recent Japanese study, ANCA-GN patients with glomerular C3 deposition on IF had worse renal and overall survival rates 28, therefore the pathologist must draw attention to describe C3 positivity, even if of mild intensity, in renal biopsy, also in consideration of the new therapeutic approaches that selectively target different complement pathways. Light microscopy characteristics have been advocated as surrogate markers to stratify the prognosis of patients with AAV. In particular, Berden et al. proposed a four-tiered classification based on the prevalence of glomeruli with no lesions, sclerosis, crescents or mixed lesions (focal, sclerotic, crescentic, and mixed, respectively) 22. Although subsequent meta-analyses confirmed the prognostic role of this classification, further efforts have been made to improve these classification systems 29. Among them, the recently proposed Renal Risk Score by Brix et al. merged clinical and histological information to obtain a reliable stratification of patients’ prognosis 30. The presence of Bowman capsule rupture (BCR) to these systems further improved the risk prediction 31-32. In cases of ANCA-associated vasculitis renal medulla becomes increasingly important because one can observe necrotizing medullary capillaritis and tubular red blood cells and RBC casts with acute tubular necrosis (Fig. 4). The presence of these medullary features, especially in cases of suboptimal renal biopsy with insufficient cortical tissue, should strongly suggest a diagnosis of ANCA associated vasculitis.

As previously reported by Raissian et al. 32% of pauci-immune GN showed an interstitial infiltrate with at least moderately increased IgG4 positive plasma cells 33 (Fig. 5), and thus the pathologist should pay attention to report this peculiar plasma cell-rich infiltrate in the absence of storiform fibrosis, without considering it a IgG4-related tubulointerstitial nephritis. Renal biopsy findings can guide the management of patients, which should be based as well on the clinical picture, especially in cases with extrarenal involvement. Timely initiation of therapy is critical to prevent progression to end stage kidney disease (ESKD), evaluating treatment approaches on different clinical features (e.g. age, ANCAs phenotype, eGFR, histological features)34. The value of ANCA in patients monitoring is controversial, since patients can have negative serology with active GPA and antibody titers do not necessarily correlate with disease activity, as demonstrated by persistently high titers after clinical remission 35. PR3- ANCA increase during serial monitoring has been demonstrated to predict relapse, but diminished antibody levels are not a clear indicator of response to therapy 36-37. Remission is better defined as stabilization or improvement in eGFR or serum creatinine level (Scr), and Scr level and recurrence of hematuria may help in the follow-up of AAV patients. The likelihood of possible active lesions in renal biopsies in patients without hematuria is very low and non-nephrotic proteinuria and microscopic hematuria may persist even in patients in stable remission and could be permanent due to structural damage from vasculitis. Therefore, disease progression or response to treatment cannot be determined by hematuria or proteinuria alone 38.


Immune complex-associated vasculitidies are characterized by the deposition of immunoglobulins and complement within vessel walls, preferentially of small caliber and capillaries, making kidneys among the most involved organs. According to the CHCC, disorders included in this group are IgA vasculitis (IgAV), cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (CV), and hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis 4.

IgA vasculitis (formerly known as Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura) is characterized by circulation and tissue deposition of abnormal IgA immunoglobulins. IgAV is the most common vasculitis in childhood with an annual incidence of 13-20 cases per 100,000 children and a peak incidence in autumn and winter, the onset being generally anticipated by a respiratory tract infection. In adults, IgAV occurs less frequently with an annual incidence of 0.8-1.8 per 10,000 and no seasonal correlation 39. IgAV may present as a single-organ disease or as a systemic disease with multiorgan involvement, with renal-limited forms representing a challenging differential diagnosis with the most common IgA nephropathy (IgAN). The “classic triad” of organ involvement in IgAV includes skin involvement with palpable purpura usually in lower extremities, arthralgia, and gastrointestinal manifestations. Renal involvement is frequent, occurring in 45-85% of adult patients with IgAV, and is the most important independent prognostic factor, with up to 30% of adult patients progressing to ESKD and generally presenting with microscopic hematuria and subnephrotic proteinuria with or without renal function impairment 39. Especially in adults, renal biopsy is mandatory to distinguish this relatively rare entity from the possible mimickers (e.g. IgAN or other vasculitis). On LM, IgAV can show the same protean manifestations of IgAN, ranging from mesangial hypercellularity and matrix expansion, endocapillary hypercellularity and crescents with fibrinoid necrosis in the active phases, glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis during the chronic progression 40. Since LM features are quite unspecific, the diagnostic hallmark is represented by IF finding of dominant/co-dominant granular mesangial deposition of IgA, often associated with C3 but less frequent co-deposition of IgG. Electron microscopy may reveal electron dense deposits within mesangial and subendothelial spaces. In contrast to IgAN, the MEST-C score (Oxford classification) has not yet been proven to be prognostically relevant in the setting of IgAV, but significant efforts are directed towards the identification of prognostic scores in this rare renal vasculitis 41.

Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (CV) is a small medium-vessel vasculitis due to cryoglobulins (immune complexes that precipitate in vitro at temperatures below 37°C and dissolve upon rewarming) 42. A classification system based on their composition has been proposed:

  1. Type I (10-15%): monoclonal immunoglobulins, usually IgG or IgM, found in lymphoproliferative disorders (Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, multiple myeloma, and monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance, MGUS) 43.
  2. Type II (50-60%): usually correlated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and are composed of monoclonal IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity in association with polyclonal immunoglobulins (usually IgG); other causes include hepatitis B virus (HBV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections, autoimmune diseases, and lymphoproliferative disorders.
  3. Type III (25-30%): polyclonal IgM and IgG with RF activity and polyclonal, generally linked to autoimmune disorders and infections, mainly due to HCV.

Types II and III are associated with mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) syndrome, accounting for about 75% of cases 44. Laboratory findings also generally include hypocomplementemia, both for C3 and C4 fragments. Skin, joints, peripheral nerves, and kidneys are most frequently affected. Renal damage is present in 20-35% of patients at the time of diagnosis, and 10-35% present microscopic hematuria, mild proteinuria, and hypertension. Nephrotic or nephritic syndrome is present in 22% and 14% of cases, respectively. Eighty percent of patients also have extrarenal manifestations such as weakness, purpura, and arthralgia (Meltzer’s triad) 45. Renal biopsy can help in the diagnosis of renal involvement, in the differentiation of the different types of CV and in distinguishing this disease from mimickers (e.g. lupus) 46. On LM, a membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) pattern is characteristic, with lobular appearance of the tuft due to diffuse and global severe mesangial hypercellularity associated with endocapillary hypercellularity and duplication of the GBM at silver stain (double contours). Occasionally, subendothelial and intracapillary globular intensively PAS-positive deposits can be seen (so-called cryoplugs), whose staining characteristics may suggest a high content in IgM immunoglobulins. Extracapillary proliferation and crescents can be seen but are rare. In approximately 30% of the cases vasculitic lesions are described with vascular PAS-positive deposits, endoluminal accumulation of lymphocytes and fibrinoid necrotizing changes in more advanced stages of the disease 47. Findings in IF may reflect the composition of the cryoglobulins depending on the clinical type, with IgG and/or IgM showing smudgy and coarsely granular positivity of different intensity, with co-deposition of C3 and polytypic or monotypic (most frequently kappa) light chains 48. Electron microscopy reveals peculiar electron dense deposits located mainly in mesangial, subendothelial and intracapillary spaces, with characteristic substructure organisation in 12-20 nm randomly arranged and non-branching fibrils alternated with 20-35 nm microtubules 49.

Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome (HUVS) is a rare SVV associated with urticaria, hypocomplementemia and positivity of anti-C1q antibodies. In rare instances, HUVS can manifest as an immune-complex mediated glomerulonephritis with a membranoproliferative pattern of injury: a rapidly progressive form of glomerulonephritis with severe nephrotic syndrome due to a membranoproliferative pattern of glomerular injury with extensive crescent formation 50.


Anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease is due to the formation of autoantibodies specifically directed against the NC1 domain of the α3 chain of type IV collagen, an antigen found in the GBM and alveolar basement membranes of the lung 51. As such, the disease can either affect kidneys or lung independently, or present as a pulmorenal syndrome also known as Goodpasture’s syndrome 52. Genetic landscape, mainly in the form of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes, may predispose to (e.g. HLA-DR15 and HLA-DR4) or protect (HLA-DR1 and HLA-DR7) from the disease 53, and external triggers (infection vs urinary tract obstruction/nephrolithiasis) are thought to elicit the development of autoantibodies 54. RPGN is the most frequent renal presentation (80-90%), oligo-anuria can develop within a few days, while a slower deterioration of kidney function is observed in a smaller group of patients. Microscopic hematuria of glomerular origin and red blood cell casts are the most prominent features, with macrohematuria being rarer 55. Both pulmonary and renal involvement occurs in 60-80% of the patients and pulmonary involvement may precede renal disease by weeks to months, whereas exclusive kidney disease is present in around 20-40% of cases. Other systemic symptoms are infrequent and suggest the coexistence of AVV 56. Notably ANCA antibodies, mainly MPO, are found in 10-38% of patients with anti-GBM disease (“double positive”) 57. Diagnosis is mainly based on the detection of circulating anti-GBM antibodies, although atypical cases can be characterized by more subtle clinical courses and the absence of circulating autoantibodies 58. The formation of crescents in the absence of significant endocapillary/mesangial hypercellularity at LM is the histopathological hallmark of anti-GBM disease 59. According to a large biopsy series, crescents are present in up to 95% of kidney biopsies with > 50% of glomeruli affected in the majority, and the degree of renal impairment at presentation correlating with the proportion of affected glomeruli60. Crescents are usually uniform and temporally homogeneous, showing the same stage of activity and chronicity, conversely to what happens in AAV showing mixture of cellular, fibrocellular, and fibrous crescents of varying ages and activity levels 61. Fibrinoid necrosis is likely to occur in the underlying glomerular tuft of crescentic glomeruli. In severe disease due to rupture of Bowman’s capsule, peri-glomerular inflammation, progressing to granuloma formation, may be observed. Given the acuity of disease onset, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy are uncommon in anti-GBM disease though interstitial inflammation may be observed. Immunofluorescence typically shows diffuse and global linear positivity for IgG (polytypic) and C3, the latter showing a granular pattern in most cases (75%). In case of scant/insufficient tissue for dedicated fresh/frozen IF, anti-GBM is one of the few glomerulonephritis that cannot be diagnosed on pronase IF due to lack in sensitivity 62. Electron microscopy can show GBM interruption, necrosis, and crescents, but no deposits are usually seen.


Medium and large vessel vasculitis only rarely involve the renal parenchyma. Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a necrotizing vasculitis generally involving medium-sized arteries, typically presenting with gastrointestinal, skin, articular and muscle manifestations, but occasionally affecting the kidney by definition without glomerulonephritis. Histology can show segmental fibrinoid necrosis with mural and perivascular infiltration of leukocytes, in the most severe form potentially causing cortical necrosis or parenchymal infarction 6. In time the acute arteritis evolves into a sclerotic process with fibrosis of the arterial wall, leading to renovascular hypertension. Even rarer is a renal presentation of Kawasaki disease 63, whereas giant cell arteritis (GCA) and Takayasu arteritis (TA) usually affect the aorta and its major branches, with renal arteries being involved in 8-25% of cases 64. Although granulomatosis of renal arteries has been documented without evident clinical manifestations, renal impairment can be present even if not adequately documented by histology 65. The most frequent histological presentation is mainly ischemic changes to the renal parenchyma with partial collapse of the tuft to the vascular pole, increase of the Bowman space and microtubular modifications without appreciable fibrosis, mimicking a picture of renal artery stenosis..

Renal vasculitis pitfalls and differential diagnosis

The diagnosis of renal vasculitis can be challenging from clinical and histological points of view. Clinically, vasculitis is generally suspected in patients with systemic or constitutional symptoms in combination with single/multiorgan dysfunction such as palpable purpura, pulmonary infiltrates, microscopic hematuria, chronic inflammatory sinusitis, mononeuritis multiplex, unexplained ischemic events, and renal impairment or urinary abnormalities. Recognizing the complexities in diagnosing vasculitis is imperative due to the overlapping clinical presentations and the varying timeframes in which vessels of different calibers may be involved in the inflammatory disease. For these reasons, a correct correlation between histopathological and clinical aspects is fundamental in the diagnostic approach. Serology can often help in directing the clinical suspicion, although PR3-ANCA or MPO-ANCA can be found in a range of non-vasculitic conditions, especially in chronic infections such as endocarditis 66, tuberculosis 67, HIV 68 and bartonellosis 35. Since misdiagnosis of sub-acute infection as AAV and initiation of inappropriate immunosuppressive therapy can have devastating consequences, renal biopsy can be of help to distinguish among possible clinical mimickers. Autoimmune and other systemic diseases can have positive ANCA (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis 69 or systemic lupus erythematosus) 70 potentially involving the kidney as well, although the difference in LM, IF and EM findings can quite easily allow the differential diagnosis with paucimmune GN. Finally, 10% of patients with clinical features and pathology consistent with AAV are negative for ANCA. Although these patients may have a similar clinical course and response to treatment, they are more likely to have renal-limited disease or less severe systemic disease 71. Histological lesions of vasculitis may also be detected in other conditions, such as infections, neoplasms, drug reactions, or vasculopathies 72. Some of the ICV involving the kidney can represent challenging differential diagnosis with other common or rare IC-mediated glomerulonephritis unrelated to SV. This is the example of IgA-dominant infection related GN, a form often correlated with infections sustained by S. aureus especially from skin ulcers of elderly diabetic patients 73. This entity typically shows segmental to global endocapillary hypercellularity with neutrophils and crescents, diffuse/global granular mesangial positivity for IgA (usually polytypic), with almost invariably present C3 deposition and mesangial/subendothelial deposits under electron microscopy, with peculiar dome-shaped, hump-like subepithelial electron dense deposits pointing at the infection-related nature of this disease (Fig. 6). The LM, IF and EM features allow the distinction of this entity from the more commonly encountered IgAN and IgAV, eventually aided by the clinical evidence of recent S. aureus infection and hypocomplementemia, avoiding useless and counterproductive immunosuppressive therapies. The distinction of cryoglobulin MPGN from other mimickers is based on the peculiar histological characteristics detailed in the previous section and on the clinical features (positive cryoprecipitate and hypocomplementemia for C3 and C4, with underlying lymphoproliferative/infectious or autoimmune disease). In detail, GN showing similar pattern of damage can be lupus nephritis in its diffuse/global proliferative form 74, proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal IgG deposits (PGMID) 75, C3 glomerulonephritis 76 and fibrillary GN 77, this latter even showing structured deposits at EM with overlapping features with cryo plugs and occasionally having a DNAJB9 negative, monotypic nature, further complicating the differential diagnosis 78. Unlike other organs/districts involved by AAV, in the kidney the detection of necrotizing arteritis is quite rare, accounting for about 10-15% of cases, and is not considered a required diagnostic criteria for the final diagnosis 79. Although rare, recent evidence is pointing to a substantial underestimation of this finding, with possible significant negative prognostic role for necrotizing arteritis in the setting of ANCA-associated pauci-immune glomerulonephritis 80, especially if associated with other established histological prognostic factors 81. The presence of transmural necrotizing arteritis affecting medium/large sized vessels, especially in the absence of crescentic vasculitis on renal biopsy, should strongly suggest a diagnosis of MVVs, mainly PAN, which can occasionally overlap with circulating ANCA (mainly MPO) positivity (Fig. 7).

Future perspectives and digital pathology

The rising complexity of this renal diagnostic field is progressively stressing the need for reliable expertise both from a technical and interpretative points of view for nephropathology centers. The creation of hub-spoke networks, facilitated by the introduction of digital pathology tools 82, is promising to improve the diagnostic output of our departments, increasing the quality of care for patients with renal vasculitis. The technological/instrumentation improvements 83 and the increasing capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and computational softwares is further revolutionizing the nephropathology field 84. In this setting, AI tools already proved to be able to reliably classify different glomerular lesions (e.g. mesangial/endocapillary hypercellularity, sclerosis and crescents), promising a significant help in the identification of elementary features of many GN. Although this is already a reality in some forms (e.g. MEST-C Oxford classification for IgAN) 85, the development of robust assisting tools for renal vasculitis (e.g. ANCA-associated) 86 is still lagging behind.


The diagnostic approach to renal vasculitis is based on a careful integration of clinical, laboratory and pathology data. Renal histology is heterogeneous and the complementary application of all the available nephropathology techniques, along with adequate expertise and the future assistance of digital pathology and AI tools, can help in extricating from complex differential diagnosis.


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.




VL and SC performed the review of the available literature and drafted the manuscript. AB provided iconography for the review. AB, BC and FP performed the critical revision of the first draft. All authors were involved in writing the paper and had final approval of the submitted and published versions.


The research was conducted ethically, with all study procedures being performed in accordance with the requirements of the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki.

Figures and tables

Figure 1.Differences in the pathogenesis of renal vasculitis on the different groups of disease recognized and the relative structural and immune features that characterise the pathology of these forms. GBM, glomerular basement membrane.

Figure 2.Schematic diagnostic approach to the pathology of renal vasculitis.MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; GBM, glomerular basement membrane; MVV, medium vessel vasculitis; PAN, polyarteritis nodosa; AAV, ANCA-associated vasculitis; IgAV, IgA vasculitis; CV, cryoglobulinemic vasculitis; LN, lupus nephritis; TRI, tubuloreticular inclusions.

Figure 3.Spectrum of age of crescents in ANCA-associated vasculitis ranging from cellular crescents (A: PAS 40X; B: Trichrome stain 40X) with large area of fibrinoid necrosis (yellow circle, C: AFOG stain 40; D: PTAH stain 40X) tofibrocellular (E: PAS 40X; F: Trichrome stain 40X) and fibrous ones (G: PAS 20X; H: Trichrome stain 20X). Special stains like PTAH and AFOG highlight the presence of fibrinoid necrosis, respectively with an orange and blue color.PAS, periodic acid of Schiff; PTAH, Phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin; AFOG, Acid Fuchsin Orange G.

Figure 4.Additional morphologic features in systemic vasculitis: PAS staining (A-B) demonstrated examples of medullary capillaritis with a moderate neutrophilic interstitial infiltrate in a case of a patient with p-ANCA positive paucimmune glomerulonephritis. Trichrome staining (C-D) highlighted RBC casts with associated acute tubular necrosis in biopsies with ANCA-associated vasculitis.

Figure 5.Male patient, 66 years old, affected by lung squamous carcinoma. One year later the patient was admitted to the emrgency room for fatigue, malaise, nausea, and vomiting. Laboratory tests showed anaemia, subnephrotic proteinuria (1400 mg/24h), microhematuria and rapidly progressive decrease of renal function (serum creatinine from 1.3 to 8 mg/dl), normal complement levels and double positivity for pANCA and anti GBM. Renal biopsy demonstrated diffuse epithelial crescents with large areas of fibrinoid necrosis with a strong linear politypic positivity for IgG on immunofluorescence related to anti-glomerular basement disease. There was also a severe plasmacellular interstitial infiltrate until 70 elements/hpf (A-B: PAS staining) with a marked increase of IgG4 positive plasma cells (C: IgG immunohistochemistry; D: IgG4 staining) with a maximum of 48 IgG4 positive plasma cells/hpf without storiform fibrosis, correlated to associated p-ANCA positivity.

Figure 6.A challenging case in differential diagnosis with ICV. A male patient in his 60s with previous lung cancer under chemotherapy treatment recently suspended for skin rash, presented with acute kidney injury (AKI, serum creatinine from 1.1-1.4 to 2.3 mg/dl), microhematuria of glomerular origin and subnephrotic proteinuria (2.8 g/24h). A renal biopsy was performed, showing on LM (A) interruption of the Bowman space due to the accumulation of cells in the extracapillary space (H&E, 40X, left), causing the formation of cellular crescents associated with GBM break and fibrinoid necrosis (asterisk, JMS, 40X, center) and focal but global endocapillary hypercellularity (PAS, 40X, right). Immunofluorescence (B) showed global and diffuse granular positivity, mainly in the mesangial space and segmental within capillary loops, to IgA (3+), C3 (2+), with immunoglobulin light chains being lambda > kappa (1/2+ vs trace) and fibrinogen (3+) within fibrinoid necrosis areas. These features, along with the recent history of skin rashes, may be indicative of a form of IgA vasculitis (e.g. Schonlein-Henoch purpura). Electron microscopy (C) was performed in this case, confirming the presence of medium-sized electron dense deposits within the mesangial space (black arrowhead, left, 3400X), but segmental subepithelial deposits with peculiar dome shape were noted (white asterisk, right, x10,500), compatible with subepithelial humps, which are more common in infection-related glomerulonephritis. Additional clinical data available after EM was performed (S. aureus isolation from the skin rash/ulcers, C3 hypocomplementemia 71 mg/dl with normal C4 29 mg/dl) allowed the final correct diagnosis of IgA-dominant infection related glomerulonephritis.ICV, immune complex vasculitis; H&E, Hematoxylin and Eosin; GBM, glomerular basement membrane; JMS, Jones methenamine silver stain; PAS, periodic acid of Schiff.

Figure 7.Male patient in his 60s presenting to the emergency room with fatigue and malaise. Laboratory tests demonstrated anemia, subnephrotic proteinuria (700 mg/24h), microhematuria and rapidly progressive decrease in renal function (serum creatinine from 0.8 to 2 mg/dl), normal complement levels and positivity to pANCA (MPO 347 IU/ml). Renal biopsy was performed, showing no significant abnormalities at the glomerular level (A, from left to right: PAS, JMS, and Masson trichrome stains, 20X), with immunofluorescence being negative for all antisera. Medium/large arteries showed transmural inflammation with massive fucsinophilic and pale/eosinophilic material at Masson and JMS stains (black arrowheads, B, left and right, 20X, respectively), compatible with fibrinoid necrosis, for which a diagnosis of necrotizing arteritis of medium/large sized vessels was made. The subsequent development of skin rash, arthralgias, muscle deafness and abdominal pain, along with the prevalent arterial involvement at renal biopsy with substantial glomerular sparing, pointed to the final clinico-pathological diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa.

Histopathological lesion Vasculitis
Fibrinoid necrosis Polyarteritis nodosa
ANCA-associated vasculitis
Giant cells Giant cells arteritis
Takayasu’s arteritis
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Neutrophil granulocytes and leukocytoclasia ANCA-associated vasculitis
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis
IgA vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein purpura)
Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis
Eosinophil granulocytes Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Giant cells arteritis
Table I.Common histological lesions in different vasculitis. They represent a group of clinical-pathological conditions marked by vascular inflammation with a wide spectrum of pathological findings such as granulomas, leukocytoclasia, necrosis in the endothelial and smooth muscle layers, fibrin blood clots, or deterioration of the connective tissues surrounding the vessel, leading to the constriction of vessel lumens and subsequent tissue ischemia, structural abnormalities (such as aneurysms/dissections) and end-organ damage.
Vasculitis Definition
Large Vessel Vasculitis (LVV) Giant Cell Arteritis Granulomatous arteritis of the aorta and its major branches, with a predilection for the extracranial branches of the carotid artery. Often involves the temporal artery. Usually occurs in patients older than 50 and is often associated with polymyalgia rheumatica.
Takayasu Arteritis Granulomatous inflammation of the aorta and its major branches. Usually occurs in patients younger than 50.
Medium-Sized Vessel Vasculitis (MVV) Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN) Necrotizing inflammation of medium-sized or small arteries without glomerulonephritis or vasculitis in arterioles, capillaries, or venules.
Kawasaki Disease Arteritis involving large, medium-sized, and small arteries, associated with mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome. Coronary arteries are often involved. Aorta and veins may be involved. Usually occurs in children.
Small Vessel Vasculitis (SVV) Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis Microscopic polyangiitis Necrotizing vasculitis, with few or no immune deposits, affecting small vessels (i.e., capillaries, venules, or arterioles). Necrotizing arteritis involving small and medium-sized arteries may be present. Necrotizing glomerulonephritis is very common. Pulmonary capillaritis often occurs.
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (ex Wegener) Granulomatous inflammation involving the respiratory tract and necrotizing vasculitis affecting small to medium-sized vessels. Necrotizing glomerulonephritis is common.
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (ex Churg-Strauss) Eosinophil-rich and granulomatous inflammation involving the respiratory tract, and necrotizing vasculitis affecting small to medium-sized vessels, associated with asthma and eosinophilia.
Anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) Vasculitis affecting glomerular capillaries, pulmonary capillaries, or both, with GBM deposition of anti - GBM autoantibodies
Immune complex SVV Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis Vasculitis, with cryoglobulin immune deposits, affecting small vessels, and associated with cryoglobulins in serum. Skin and glomeruli are often involved.
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein) Vasculitis, with immune deposits of hypogalactosidated IgA (Gd-IgA1), affecting small vessels (predominantly post-capillary venules). Typically involves skin, gut, and glomeruli and is associated with arthralgias or arthritis.
Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis (HUV) (anti-C1q vasculitis) Vasculitis accompanied by urticarial lesions and hypo-complementemia affecting small vessels and associated with anti-C1q antibodies. Glomerulonephritis, arthritis, obstructive pulmonary disease, and ocular inflammation are common.
Hypo- or normocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis (non-anti-C1q) Cutaneous, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, clinically appearing as urticarial lesions or wheals with hemorrhagic macules, affecting small vessels and not associated with anti-C1q antibodies
Table II.Vasculitis Chapel Hill Consensus Conference Classification 4-5.
Circulating pathogenic ANCA
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (ex Wegener granulomatosis) Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (ex Churg-Strauss syndrome) Microscopic polyangiitis Renal limited vasculitis
Immune-complex formation and/or deposition
IgA vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein) Systemic autoimmune diseases with vasculitis manifestations (e.g., RA, SLE) Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis Hypo-complementemic urticarial vasculitis (HUV) (anti-C1q vasculitis) Hypo- or normocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis (non-anti-C1q)
Autoantibodies directed against renal vascular structures
Anti-GBM disease and Goodpasture syndrome
Pathogenic T lymphocyte responses and granuloma formation
Giant cell arteritis Takayasu arteritis Granulomatosis with polyangiitis Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss)
ANCA, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; GBM, glomerular basement membrane.
Table III.Different pathogenetic mechanisms determining the development of renal vasculitis, conditioning the subclassification of cases.
GPA 75% 20%
MPA 30% 60%
EGPA 5% 45%
Renal-limited vasculitis 10% 80%
Drug-induced vasculitis 10% 90%
Epidemiology15 50-70 y; northern Europe, North America 60-80 y; southern Europe, Asia
Histopathology26 Necrotizing vasculitis, granulomatous inflammation Necrotizing vasculitis, no granulomatous inflammation
Clinical phenotype Kidney16-17 Acute presentation More chronic injury on biopsy, may have a slow indolent course, more likely renal limited, isolated interstitial kidney disease
Skin Less common More common
ENT More common Rare
Lung 60-80% 20-60%
Prognosis 16-17 More likely to have resistant disease; high relapse rate Worse long-term survival; lower relapse rate
Treatment 34 Respond better to rituximab than cyclophosphamide No difference in response between rituximab and cyclophosphamide
Table IV.Differences among PR3 and MPO-ANCA.


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$authorString->getOrcid() =>

$authorString->getFullName() => Vincenzo L’Imperio

$authorString->getUrl() =>

Vincenzo L’Imperio

Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology, IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo dei Tintori, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
non esiste orcidID ""

$authorString->getOrcid() =>

$authorString->getFullName() => Stefano Ceola

$authorString->getUrl() =>

Stefano Ceola

Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology, IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo dei Tintori, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
non esiste orcidID ""

$authorString->getOrcid() =>

$authorString->getFullName() => Bruna Cerbelli

$authorString->getUrl() =>

Bruna Cerbelli

Department of Medical Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
non esiste orcidID ""

$authorString->getOrcid() =>

$authorString->getFullName() => Antonella Barreca*

$authorString->getUrl() =>

Antonella Barreca*

Pathology Unit, Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino University Hospital, Turin, Italy; *These authors contributed equally
non esiste orcidID ""

$authorString->getOrcid() =>

$authorString->getFullName() => Fabio Pagni*

$authorString->getUrl() =>

Fabio Pagni*

Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology University of Milano-Bicocca IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo dei Tintori; *These authors contributed equally
non esiste orcidID ""


© Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia Diagnostica, Divisione Italiana della International Academy of Pathology , 2024

How to Cite

L’Imperio, V., Ceola, S., Cerbelli, B., Barreca*, A. and Pagni*, F. 2024. Systemic vasculitis involving the kidney: the nephropathologist point of view . Pathologica - Journal of the Italian Society of Anatomic Pathology and Diagnostic Cytopathology. 116, 2 (Apr. 2024), 104-118. DOI:
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